"Fashion is conceptual and functional; its compelling nature is that it can be either or both" -(a quote from ‘Breaking the Mode’ by Kaye Durland Spiker & Sharon Sadako Takeda)
I found that this quote is an accurate summary of stretch wear particularly this generic garment project. We are learning about the generic items of stretch wear that are worn and popularised solely for functional purposes and we have been given the task to conceptualise these generic items proving that a garment can be both functional and conceptual. Progressively in this studio I have observed that stretch fabrics have the ability to create endless possibilities in terms of drape, shape and fit. The pattern making process for the design exercises we have toiled so far have been based purely on one’s instinct and vision, there are no rules, but merely judgement. The final result cannot be determined until it has been tested. In order to achieve the perfect/desired fit, shape or drape, a number of alterations would need to be made after each toile.
This week I documented a number of body experiments for the leggings exercise before I came upon my final idea-which is still in the stage of development. Endeavouring to deform and distort the natural contour of the body I found the shape of gloves mesmerizing, exploring the interesting forms and movement that a glove or numerous gloves can make through drape or being blown up. Focusing on further research I happened to stumble across the Comme des Garcons collection that incorporated gloves- such a simple and basic item that has been revolutionised to structure as part of a garment as opposed to being a separately worn accessory. I am looking forward to seeing how this idea will translate as patterns and finally as a garment-will the outcome be a success of failure? I ask myself.

(Comme des Garcons image from http://www.textilemuseum.org/images/exhibitions/JapaneseContemp/Kawakubo_Dress%20Gloves%20Hatweb.jpg)