I found the process of fitting or I suppose ‘sculpting the garment to the body’ using the fabric gave me a better understanding of construction and how obviously the body is a contour form with 3-dimension not a flat surface.
Form fitting garments are often seen in today’s culture. People feel they have to extenuate and show every curve of the body as apposed to hiding it in volume, as there is a general idea of it being more arousing.
"Eroticism, is another word for that brief moment when skin flashes out from behind the cloth. Where even nakedness signifies a kind of being dressed. For the human figure to appear in its naturally beautiful incarnation the material element must be made to disappear."-(from the Fashion Zeitgeist written by Barbara Vinken).I felt that this quote was a very interesting view about I suppose the correct terminology would be ‘form fitting or ‘body conscious’ garments. It evoked quite a bit of thought in me when I was experimenting with the cut and paste exercise. The idea of subtle eroticism and how this could be achieved. Another concept I chose to experiment with for this exercise was finishes, I almost feel like I went overboard with finishes in my finished toile for the exercise, however I feel I have achieved what I have intened..and that was purely to experiment. One can only discover greater prospects through trial and error. Note the colour of the lace is not something I would chose to use if given the option.

(above two images from https://apps.ngv.vic.gov.au/productImages/pub_SuperBodies_S.jpg
well planned and structured posts, with good connections being made.Spend more time analysing the outcome why it was successful and explain what you were experimenting with in this exercise. These post are working well and are interesting as you are relating different areas of research.RB