Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Generic Garment Invest.- Image Ideas/intention

I am intrigued with the beauty of the simplest non remarkable object captured in a dynamic moment.
Capturing the essence of truth. Something that may appear ordinary in its origin but has an illuminating essence of life that is not artificial. A shot in movement is further embedded in your mind as you wonder what the shot before and after that moment would have appeared like and I suppose you almost create this in your mind.
The video from American beauty always reminds me of this.-“and that’s the day I realised that there was this entire life behind things”.

(Ignore the poor quality of the video).

I wish to convey what my message about the generic garment investigations findings are without it being literal, telling the story in an abstract sense of thought.
To capture a feeling, a truth. A moment in time.
Let it take your thought without controlling it.
Don’t restrain from a feeling of movement or desire. Don’t deny the truth being captured in your mind.

The generic garment- You can twist it and pull it, but does it still remain to be the original object?
Will it ever cease to remain the object of desire?

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