Friday, June 4, 2010


Due to being in a frantic rush to submit the book draft blog post by 11pm I was quite brief and unclear with my annotation so it may not make a lot of sense. I thought I would debrief on the idea and intention I have for the draft.
I am quite intrigued by interestingly abstract layouts that are rather minimalistic. I came across a book about one of Maison Martin Marigela’s exhibitions which really captivated me with its way of communicating Margiela’s work.
Thus I wanted to communicate my project in a similar way- the book being an intriguing, almost abstract story, rather than a ‘look book’. Each image being as appealing as the one prior to it. I wanted my book cover to be very simple, I believe a pure white canvas with text applied in a strategic and though out manner has an effective outcome- something about all the white blank space almost reminds me of a mental institution (unsure why, maybe I’m a bit delusional).
I intend to make the book of A5 scale, and wish to make the cover out of hard card paper with the book pages to be of quite thick ,coarse textured paper- so that the images have a more matte, canvas finish as opposed to a lustorous aesthetic. The way I wish to join all the pages is through heat binding (if that is the correct technical name for the process? But basically Im referring to the method one sees on most hard cover books).
I’m undecided as to how many poster I wish to produce. But one or a few of them will simply portray what my exploration has been about. I may include other posters which depict the prototype garments- this is still in the process of examination.

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